How would I call this method from the viewDidLoad
- (void)mapView:(MKMapView *)mapview didSelectAnnotationView:(MKAnnotationView *)view {
// code
I'm stuck on the syntax: [self mapview:.....];
You don't - that's a call back you get from an MKMapView
when a user touches an MKAnnotationView
. If you want to automatically select your annotation when your MKMapView
is loaded, use its selectAnnotation:animated
-(void)viewDidLoad {
MKMapView *mapView = // whatever
MKAnnotation *annotation = // whatever
[mapView selectAnnotation:annotation animated:YES]; // could be no, in viewDidLoad it won't necessarily be visible
When you call selectAnnotation:animated:
, your annotation will pop up, then, if the user touches it, your mapView:didSelectAnnotation:
will be called. As a rule, you will never call the methods in MKMapViewDelegate
(or any *Delegate for that matter). The system will call them for you at the appropriate time.
P.S. viewDidLoad
doesn't take an argument.