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Self closing Html Generic Control?

I am writing a bit of code to add a link tag to the head tag in the code behind... i.e.

HtmlGenericControl css = new HtmlGenericControl("link");

css.Attributes["rel"] = "Stylesheet";
css.Attributes["type"] = "text/css";
css.Attributes["href"] = String.Format("/Assets/CSS/{0}", cssFile);

to try and achieve something like...

<link rel="Stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/CSS/Blah.css" />

I am using the HtmlGenericControl to achieve this... the issue I am having is that the control ultimatly gets rendered as...

<link rel="Stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/CSS/Blah.css"></link>

I cant seem to find what I am missing to not render the additional </link>, I assumed it should be a property on the object.

Am I missing something or is this just not possible with this control?


  • I think you'd have to derive from HtmlGenericControl, and override the Render method.

    You'll then be able to write out the "/>" yourself (or you can use HtmlTextWriter's SelfClosingTagEnd constant).

    Edit: Here's an example (in VB)