Here's and example of a script which creates an Indexed View Grouped By the Hour. I also have 2 others for Day and Month. The table UserPoints stores a record whenever points are awarded to the User with an exact DateTime timestamp called CreationDate.
CREATE VIEW [dbo].[HourlyPoints] WITH SCHEMABINDING AS SELECT [Count] = COUNT_BIG(*) --Required by SQL Server ,[UserId] ,[PointTypeId] ,[Points] = SUM(Points) ,[Hour] = DATEADD(hour, DATEDIFF(HOUR, 0, [CreationDate]), 0) FROM [dbo].[UserPoints] GROUP BY ProfileId ,PointTypeId ,DATEADD(hour, DATEDIFF(HOUR, 0, [CreationDate]), 0) GO CREATE UNIQUE CLUSTERED INDEX [IX_HourlyPoints_UserId_PointTypeId_Hour] ON [HourlyPoints] ([UserId],[PointTypeId],[Hour]) GO CREATE NONCLUSTERED INDEX [IX_HourlyPoints_PointTypeId_Points_Hour] ON [HourlyProfilePoints] ([PointTypeId],[Points],[Hour]) INCLUDE ([UserId]) GO
I'm trying to make sure I have the right indexes to query this Indexed View for a leaderboard which will rank Users based on the PointType & Sum of Points.
For example, my leaderboard query looks like this if I want a leaderboard based on the number points Users have earned with the last 3 hours. (or any other time window).
SELECT * FROM [HourlyPoints]
WHERE [PointTypeId] = 1 --Gold Points
AND [Hour] >= '2013-06-13 01:00:00.000'
AND [Hour] < '2013-06-13 04:00:00.000'
What I'm worried about is that when I run that query I don't see the Execution Plan window showing that it is using the IX_HourlyPoints_PointTypeId_Points_Hour index. Shouldn't it?
I figured out that I needed to use WITH(NOEXPAND)!
WHERE [PointTypeId] = 1 --Gold Points
AND [Hour] >= '2013-06-13 01:00:00.000'
AND [Hour] < '2013-06-13 04:00:00.000'