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How can I use File::Find to print files with the relative path only?

I am using File::Find in the code below to find the files from /home/user/data path.

use File::Find;

my $path = "/home/user/data";
my @files;

find(\&d, "$path");

foreach my $file (@files) {
print "$file\n";

sub d {
-f and -r and push  @files, $File::Find::name;

As I am changing the dir path to the path from where i need to search the files but still it gives me the files with full path. i.e.

and so on...

but I want the output like

and so on...

Can anyone please suggest me the code to find the files and display from current working directory only?


  • The following will print the path for all files under $base, relative to $base (not the current directory):

    use warnings;
    use strict;
    use File::Spec;
    use File::Find;
    # can be absolute or relative (to the current directory)
    my $base = '/base/directory';
    my @absolute;
        wanted   => sub { push @absolute, $_ if -f and -r },
        no_chdir => 1,
    }, $base);
    my @relative = map { File::Spec->abs2rel($_, $base) } @absolute;
    print $_, "\n" for @relative;