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Creating array of JSONs from php

I am having trouble creating correct format of JSON to pass it to js from php.
I am using extjs and in my tree, I need to add children:

var treePanel = Ext.create('Ext.tree.Panel',
    id: 'tree-panel',
    region: 'north',
    split: true,
    height: '50%',     
    minSize: 150,
    rootVisible: false,
    autoScroll: true,
    store: store,
    listeners: {// more code here}

Now I need to assign the create store variable:

var store = Ext.create('', 
        expanded: false,
        children: file_names

Now the problem appears when I have to create file_names object from within php tags.

  • If I have file_names = [{text: 'google', leaf: true, icon: 'pic.png'}, {text: 'yahoo', leaf: true, icon: 'pic.png'}], then everything is fine
  • When I try to create this file_names's content from within php, then I am starting to experience issues

This is how I am trying to create file_name from php:

var store = Ext.create('', 
        expanded: false,
        children: [ 
                        $name      = empty($_GET['name']) ? false : $_GET['name'];
                        $files     = empty($_GET['files']) ? false : $_GET['files'];

                        if ($name)
                        //    $files_arr = explode(',', $files);    
                            $file_arr = array('text'=>$files_arr[0], 'leaf'=>true, 'icon'=>'images/xml.png');

                            //echo stripslashes(json_encode($file_arr));
                            echo json_encode($file_arr );


  • Try this way:

    $name      = empty($_GET['name']) ? false : $_GET['name'];
    $files     = empty($_GET['files']) ? false : $_GET['files'];
    if ($name)
        $files_arr = explode(',', $files);    
        foreach ($files_arr as $value)
            $file_arr[] = array(
            'text' => $value, 
            'leaf' => true, 
            'icon' => 'images/xml.png'
    $var = json_encode($file_arr);
    echo $var;



    Give us:

    '[{"text":"google","leaf":true,"icon":"images\\/xml.png"},{"text":" yahoo","leaf":true,"icon":"images\\/xml.png"}]'

    And to output do it like this:

        expanded: false,
        children: <?php echo $var; ?>

    ie: remove [' and '], json_encode takes care of all needed to properly format javascript code.