i have tried to move my configuration of VIM in Mac to Linux Mint.
However, the default font of gvim cannot be set. I have already put set guifont=Monaco:h14
into my .vimrc and I have also downloaded the font into my system. I have checked out this question, the verbose
command can be used to find the setting of gui_font. I used the verbose
command and the result pointed to my .vimrc.
The most interesting part is that I can set the gui font by the same command: set guifont=Monaco:h14
in the running environment of gvim.
You are using the wrong format.
This format:
set guifont=Monaco:h14
is for Mac OS X while you should use:
set guifont=Monaco\ 14
on Linux.
Everything is explained very clearly in :help 'guifont'
Hint #1: you can do :set guifont=*
to open a GUI dialog, once you have chosen your font you can simply do :set guifont
to see the correct string to use in your ~/.vimrc
. Don't forget to escape spaces.
Hint #2: this other answer shows you how to make different platform-specific settings.