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Why can't I use midje to mock a function that throws using slingshot's throw+

Here's the situation: I'm trying to unit test function A that calls function B. Function B is called in a slingshot try+ block and under certain circumstances it can throw using a slingshot throw+. I want to mock function B in a midje test so that it returns something that the catch in the try+ block will actually catch. I can't seem to create the right thing to throw though. Here's a substantially abbreviated sketch of the code and the test:

(defn function-A
    (function-B param)
    (catch [:type :user-not-found]

(defn function-B
  (throw+ [:type :user-not-found]))

(fact "do-something is called"
  (function-A "param") => (whatever is the result of calling do-something)
    (function-B "param") =throws=> (clojure.lang.ExceptionInfo. "throw+: {:type :user-not-found}"
                                                                {:object {:type :user-not-found}, :environment {}}

The ExceptionInfo that I'm throwing seems to be roughtly the right thing. I can see this when my application is running through numerous prn statements. However, whatever I try, I can't get the test to work.

I also tried the bit of code below in a repl to see whether I could understand the problem. However, whilst both pieces of code seem to involve identical Exceptions, only one (the pure slingshot one) manages to catch and print "caught it". I think that if I could understand why one works and the other doesn't, I would be able to solve the problem with the unit test.

    (throw+ {:type :user-not-found})
    (catch Exception e
      (prn "Caught:  " e)
      (prn "Class:   " (.getClass e))
      (prn "Message: " (.getMessage e))
      (prn "Cause:   " (.getCause e))
      (prn "Data:    " (.getData e))
      (throw e)))
  (catch [:type :user-not-found] p
    (prn "caught it")))

    (throw (clojure.lang.ExceptionInfo. "throw+: {:type :user-not-found}"
                                        {:object {:type :user-not-found}, :environment {}}
    (catch Exception e
      (prn "Caught:  " e)
      (prn "Class:   " (.getClass e))
      (prn "Message: " (.getMessage e))
      (prn "Cause:   " (.getCause e))
      (prn "Data:    " (.getData e))
      (throw e)))
  (catch [:type :user-not-found] p
    (prn "caught it")))


  • Following slingshot's code for how it generated a throwable (see here, here and here), I found the following (somewhat contrived) way for generating a throwable that would work when just throwing.

    (s/get-throwable (s/make-context {:type :user-not-found} "throw+: {:type :user-not-found}" (s/stack-trace) {}))

    Which renders the result you were expecting from your example.

        (throw (s/get-throwable (s/make-context {:type :user-not-found} "throw+: {:type :user-not-found}" (s/stack-trace) {})))
        (catch Exception e
          (prn "Caught:  " e)
          (prn "Class:   " (.getClass e))
          (prn "Message: " (.getMessage e))
          (prn "Cause:   " (.getCause e))
          (prn "Data:    " (.getData e))
          (throw e)))
      (catch [:type :user-not-found] p
        (prn "caught it")))

    Hope it helps.