Hey guys I feel like this is a pretty simple question but I cannot find the answer. I have an IList with a bunch of items in it. And I want to count how many items are duplicated(This IList will have a lot of duplicated). So if the list has 'apple' in it 20 times and 'bannana' in it 30 times I want to put those into an associative array with the name as the key and the count as the value. I am currently doing it with this....
var summary = new Dictionary<string,int>();
foreach (myModel.Row in model.items)
if (summary.Count == 0 || !summary.ContainsKey(row.ItemTitle))
summary.Add(row.ItemTitle, 1);
summary[row.ItemTitle] += 1;
so model.items is an IList that contains Row.
The problem with this is that in the else I am incrementing an immutable in a loop, so I know there is a better way.
Thanks in advance for the help.
What I mean by no immutable in a loop is I am trying to avoid this summary[row.ItemTitle] += 1;
and the negative performance implications of it. If there are any.
You can use LINQ GroupBy
to get the result:
var summary = model.items.GroupBy(x => x.ItemTitle)
.ToDictionary(g => g.Key, g => g.Count());