So from what I can tell, every managed example of IntPtr addition I have found is WRONG.
For example:
My thought being, that if IntPtr is at (or near) int32.MaxValue on a 32-bit system, and you add an offset which overflows int32, isn't that still a valid memory address (as it would be valid in uint32, and would be represented by a negative number in IntPtr)?!
I believe the code should be something like:
public static IntPtr Offset(IntPtr src, int offset)
switch (IntPtr.Size) {
case 4:
return new IntPtr((int)((uint)src + offset));
case 8:
return new IntPtr((long)((ulong)src + offset));
throw new NotSupportedException("Not supported");
Am I crazy?
Does anyone have a tried and true IntPtr addition example?
I think the point is that if you overflow an int, you still get the appropriate value. Try this:
Console.WriteLine( int.MaxValue + 4 );
Console.WriteLine( (uint)(int.MaxValue + 4) );
Given that int.MaxValue is 2147483647, casting the overflowed negative number to uint does in fact give the right value.