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PHP / Jquery Clock + countdown

I just wrote another question but It was not well writed and understandable at all, here I'll paste the work I've done atm, and my questions:

  • I want to show a clock on my webpage (it's based in wordpress) Showing actual time of the SERVER (important, because I have visitors for all of the world).

-I do need the SERVER time, because I need to to a countdown, everyday, the same, from 19:00PM to 03:00AM.

Here's the code I have until now (I just translated it, Cause it was in spanish, so it should be running fine")

  <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
  <script type="text/javascript">
    var date1;
    var seconds;
    var minutes;
    var hours;
    var x;

    var startHour = 19;

    var finalHour = 3;

    var diferencia1;
    //Funcion principal
    x = $(document);
    //funcion del timer_test
    function timer_test() {
        x= $("#timer");
        date1 = new Date(<?php echo time() * 1000 ?>);
        seconds = date1.getSeconds();
        minutes = date1.getMinutes();
        hours = date1.getHours();

        if (hours > startHour | hours < finalHour) {
        diferencehours = startHour - hours -1;
        diferenceminutes = 60 - minutes -1;
        diferenceseconds = 60 - seconds;

        x.html("All of our services are running.");


        else if(hours < startHour && hours >= finalHour) {
        diferencehours = startHour - hours -1;
        diferenceminutes = 60 - minutes -1;
        diferenceseconds = 60 - seconds;

        x.html(diferencehours + ":" + diferenceminutes + ":" + diferenceseconds);





    <div id="timer"></div>

One of the problems I found, is, the clock is just stucked, time doesn't change at all.

Solutions? How may I improve this?



  • The code <?php echo time() * 1000 ?> will only run once, when the page is served by php. It will not update this from the server every time we see the code.

    Try something like this:

    <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
    <script type="text/javascript">
        var epoch_time = <?= time() ?>000;
        var startHour = 19;
        var finalHour = 3;
        //Funcion principal
        function timer_test() {
            var date1 = new Date(epoch_time);
            var seconds = date1.getSeconds();
            var minutes = date1.getMinutes();
            var hours = date1.getHours();
            var diferencehours = startHour - hours -1;
            var diferenceminutes = 60 - minutes -1;
            var diferenceseconds = 60 - seconds;
            if (hours > startHour | hours < finalHour) {
                $("#timer").html("All of our services are running.");
            else if(hours < startHour && hours >= finalHour) {
                $("#timer").html(diferencehours + ":" + diferenceminutes + ":" + diferenceseconds);
            epoch_time += 1000;
        $(function() {
      <div id="timer"></div>