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How to access an object's public fields from a Velocity template

Here is my object class:

public class Address
    public final String line1;
    public final String town;
    public final String postcode;

    public Address(final String line1, final String town, final String postcode)
        this.line1 = line1; = town;
        this.postcode = postcode;

I add it to the velocity context like this:

Address theAddress = new Address("123 Fake St", "Springfield", "SP123");
context.put("TheAddress", theAddress);

However, when writing the template, the following will not render the address fields (however, it works fine when I add getters to the Address class)


Is it possible to access public fields on objects from Velocity without adding getters?


  • Not by default. You need to configure a different Uberspect implementation.