In the AppConKit, you can give your users the option to configure a Servername, port and path in the Settings that this Apps connects to. Can I somehow access these configured settings in the Javascript code? My use-case is that I have a logo image sitting on the server the app is connecting to, and would like to show this logo based on the server url. Any Idea?
Makes sense, but that's not a setting that is easily accessible (yet).
You can access the settings via the device switch:
var hostname;
var port;
var path;
if (vMobileController.device().isAndroid()) {
hostname = vKVS.value("Weptun_Hostname");
port = vKVS.value("Weptun_Port");
path = vKVS.value("Weptun_URL_Path");
} else {
hostname = vKVS.value("server_url");
port = vKVS.value("server_port");
path = vKVS.value("server_endpoint");
if (hostname.substring(0,4)!="http") {
var vUrl = hostname+":"+port+"/"+path+"/images/Logo.png";
I talked with the developers tho, and it would make sense to access this via direct Javascript API. I'll see that it's added to the roadmap!