When using pycurl what is the best way to see what options (opt
) have been set?
For example, I call a method which returns a pycurl object. What I would like to do is make a call to see what opts (pycurl.setopts
) have been set.
I don't think there's such an option. But it would be easy to encapsulate the curl object into another one that would be like:
class ExtendedCurl:
invpycurl = {v:k for k, v in pycurl.__dict__.items()}
def __init__(self):
self._pycurl = pycurl.Curl()
self._options = {}
def setopt(self, opt, val):
self._pycurl.setopt(self, opt, val)
self._options[opt] = val
def unsetopt(self, opt):
self._pycurl.setopt(self, opt, val)
del self._options[opt]
def reset(self):
self._pycurl.setopt(self, opt, val)
self._options = dict()
def getopts(self):
for opt, val in self._options.iteritems():
if opt in self.invpycurl.keys():
print "{}: {}".formart(opt, val)
def errstr(self):
return self._pycurl.errstr()
def perform(self):
return self._pycurl.perform()
def close(self):
return self._pycurl.close()
And based on that, you could even make the pycurl interface nicer, by adding methods like __enter__
and __exit__
(for with statement support), support the pycurl.URL
option in the constructor etc..