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Why does onresize fire when it shouldn't at low zoom levels in IE8?

I wrote some jquery to resize elements and close all open popups on my page when the browser window is resized:

        target: window,
        eventListener: 'onresize',
        func: function (e) {
            resizeElements(); //This resizes loads of stuff
            closeAllPopups(); //Closes any open popups

This works fine at 100% zoom. However, at zoom levels less than 90% onresize keeps getting called, even when the window has not been resized. The effect is that popups won't open- they immediately close.

This only seems to happen on IE8. It works fine for Chrome.

Any ideas why this is happening- Is it simply an IE8 bug? Can anyone suggest a fix or a workaround?


  • What about checking the window original size and re-size size, then try to call your function?

    So, even if you are in 90% view on load, this window size will be original size and only when you resize (under 90% view), your functions will be called?

        var original_width = $(window).width();
        var original_height = $(window).height();
        $(window).resize(function() {
            var resize_width = $(window).width();
            var resize_height = $(window).height();
            if(original_width != resize_width && original_height != resize_height){
                alert('You resized!');
                // resizeElements(); //This resizes loads of stuff
                // closeAllPopups(); //Closes any open popups