Consider a lock, made of a system of wheels. Each wheel has 26 letters of the alphabet, in order, and each wheel is initialized with 'a'
. If you move one wheel up, the display for that wheel moves to the next letter of the alphabet; moving a wheel down, on the other hand, switches the display to the previous letter of the alphabet. For example:
['a'] -> UP -> ['b']
['b'] -> DOWN -> ['a']
['z'] -> UP -> ['a']
['a'] -> DOWN -> ['z']
One can move any contiguous subsequence of wheels in the same direction with just a flick. This has the same effect of moving all the wheels of the subsequence that way, with a single motion. For example, if the target string is 'zzzzzzzzz'
, a single movement, changing 'a'
to 'z'
, will change the entire sequence of wheels from 'a'
to 'z'
, thus reaching the target string -- opening the lock.
How can I determine the least number of moves to open a lock? Is there a dynamic solution for this problem? The algorithm must yield the following results:
Target string | # moves
______________________________ __________
1 | abcxyz | 5
2 | abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz | 25
3 | aaaaaaaaa | 0
4 | zzzzzzzzz | 1
5 | zzzzbzzzz | 3
Case 1, target abcxyz
aaa[aaa] -> DOWN -> aaazzz
aaa[zz]z -> DOWN -> aaayyz
aaa[y]yz -> DOWN -> aaaxyz
a[aa]xyz -> UP -> abbxyz
ab[b]xyz -> UP -> abcxyz
Case 5, target zzzzbzzzz
[aaaaaaaaa] -> DOWN -> zzzzzzzzz
zzzz[z]zzzz -> UP -> zzzzazzzz
zzzz[a]zzzz -> UP -> zzzzbzzzz
This problem may be restated as:
What is the minimum number of moves to turn a string S, into a string that only contains 'a'?
Consider a contiguous subsequence as a sequence of equal characters in the string. The smallest contiguous subsequence is, naturally, a single character. If you normalize small subsequences, you'll, naturally, end up with bigger subsequences, eventually reaching a single subsequence -- the entire string.
What to normalize to:
One can only move a character UP or DOWN, so, a character itself is a sequence of UP and DOWN moves. The worst case of representation of a character is the letter in the middle of the alphabet, which requires at least len(alphabet) / 2
moves to be described. In the alphabet {a..z}
, the worst cases are 'm'
and 'n'
Since we want to minimize the number of moves, we need to pull DOWN letters C <= m
, and pull UP those C >= n
. Thus, to minimize the normalization process, we must find the greatest subsequences that requires equal normalization moves. For example, if we have a target zzzzbzzzz
, we know the minimal directions are UUUUDUUUU
-- U for UP, and D, DOWN.
For each move, the counter is incremented, yielding the least number of moves required to transform a string. Considering the above example, we may take the following steps:
# = 0 | zzzzbzzzz | UUUUDUUUU (choose the smallest subsequence to normalize)
# = 1 | zzzzazzzz | UUUUDUUUU (since 'a' is the base character, we choose
the move that increases the largest subsequence;
if 'a' was the first or last character,
moving it would simply be overhead)
# = 2 | zzzzzzzzz | UUUUUUUUU (choose the subsequence to normalize)
# = 3 | aaaaaaaaa | _________ (choose the subsequence to normalize)
Another example, with the target string abcxyz
# = 0 | abcxyz | _DDUUU (choose the smallest subsequence to normalize)
# = 1 | aabxyz | __DUUU (choose the smallest subsequence to normalize)
# = 2 | aaaxyz | ___UUU (choose the smallest subsequence to normalize)
# = 3 | aaayza | ___UU_ (choose the smallest subsequence to normalize)
# = 4 | aaazaa | ___U__ (choose the smallest subsequence to normalize)
# = 5 | aaaaaa | ______ (choose the smallest subsequence to normalize)
As pointed by @user1884905, this solution, as it is proposed, is not optimal. In the case of a target string mn
, the algorithm does not lead to an optimal solution:
# = 0 | mn | DU (choose the smallest subsequence to normalize)
# = 1 | ln | DU (choose the smallest subsequence to normalize)
# = 2 | kn | DU (choose the smallest subsequence to normalize)
# = 12 | an | _U (choose the smallest subsequence to normalize)
# = 13 | ao | _U (choose the smallest subsequence to normalize)
# = 14 | ap | _U (choose the smallest subsequence to normalize)
# = 24 | aa | __ (choose the smallest subsequence to normalize)
And this is not optimal, as the following steps require less moves:
#0 #1 #2 ... #12
mn -> mm -> ll -> ... -> aa
Maybe the optimal substructure to a greedy algorithm lies in reducing the global distance between the characters from the string, instead of focusing on the difference between such characters and the base case ('a'