In the documentation, I have seen that it is possible to delete top-level items from a QTreeWidget using takeTopLevelItem()
. However, I need to delete items that are not top-level. I am completely lost on how to do this, so I'm resorting here for help. Any google searches I do end without proper results and the PySide docs are being thoroughly unhelpful. I suspect there is an easy way to do this and that I'm over-thinking it, but I have no clue how to find it.
Okay, after thinking about it for 3 long days, I realized the answer was, as I suspected, rather simple (yet maybe a little convoluted).
I was trying to delete the item when the QTreeWidget was right clicked (just a little background so you understand my code).
tree = QTreeWidget()
def delItem(e):
if e.reason() == QContextMenuEvent.Mouse:
itemClicked = tree.itemAt(e.pos())
for topItem in range(0,tree.topLevelItemCount()):
topItem = tree.topLevelItem(topItem)
if topItem.isSelected():
def checkChildren(item):
if item.childCount() >= 0:
for childItem in range(0,item.childCount()):
childItem = item.child(childItem)
if childItem.isSelected():
tree.contextMenuEvent = delItem