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Check Permission on Rails View

I'm writing a plugin on redmine. I took project and user permissions to my plugin to access a button in a page of redmine.

What i want:

Display a button only when the user AND the project have permissions to do it.

Below my code:


<% if ?????? -%> Here is the codition where display or not the button.
    <div style="float: left; width: auto; padding-right: 1%">  
    <%= button_to_function l(:gerar_build_project), remote_function(:action => 'printar', :controller => 'GerarVersao')%>
<% end -%>


  permission :view_repository, :gerar_versao_projeto => :exec_client

  project_module :gerar_versao_projeto do
     permission :view_repository, :gerar_versao_projeto => :exec_client


before_filter :find_project, :authorize, :only => :exec_client

def exec_client


def find_project
  @project = Project.find(params[:project_id])

So anyone knows what I have to put in my if, to display the button only when the User or Project have permission to it?

Thank you.


  • I solved the problem by my myself. The answer is simple. I just followed the proverb "In the life nothing is created everything is copied" :) and copied a existing code from the redmine as listed below:

    <% if User.current.allowed_to?(:view_repository, @project) -%>

    With this "if" I check if the user is allowed to view my button inside the project. Is important to note that the :view_repository is the permission which i have put.

    Questions about the solution, please feel free to discuss.

    Best regards and thanks!