In c++11 we have nice uniform initialization syntax for objects. Why it does not extends to initialize non-object types as well?
Is there any syntactic ambiguity for that, or is it just some stupid question I am asking?
struct s{ int k;};
s s1{1}; //ok (object initialization)
s const& s3{3}; //ok (object initialization)
s& s2{s1}; //error (reference initialization)
A more useful example:
struct t{ t(t const& x) : k(x.k){} int k;};
struct c
c(t& x1,t& x2)
: s1_{x1} //error (reference initialization)
, s2_{x2} //ok (object initialization)
t& s1_;
t s2_;
Another one :
template<class T>
T get()
return T{};
//ok (object initialization)
//error (void initialization? I do not know terminology for void() token equivalent)
The initialization rules of C++ are quite complicated. They are described in the second half of chapter (clause) 8 of the standard. There is zero-initialization, direct-initialization, value-initialization, copy-initialization, list-initialization to name just a few, and each can have different interactions depending on the context (declaration, parameter, return, throw, member initializer, etc), properties of the type to be bound and input initialization expression or braced-init-list. The language designers also make it a goal to be almost backwards compatible with C and older versions of C++, which restricts what they can do. It takes quite some study to speculate on the ramifications of changes to the initialization rules, and changes can generate a lot of unintended corner cases. If you're interested I encourage you to study the standard and try to work through the implications of a proposed change you have designed.