I have a value I receive in an unsigned byte array that I would like to dereference as a float. Take ptr as a uint8_t* pointing at a byte array of four values 0,0,0xCD,0x42 (this is a little endian system).
float val = *(float*)ptr;
is return -1.34e8
When I type:
In the expressions window after hitting a break point in that section of code, it gives me 102.5 as expected. Further, when I type:
*(float*)(ptr - 1);
I get the incorrect -1.34e8, as if the compiler used ptr - 1 instead of what I typed.
I'm confused - am I missing something here?
Basically the deref is correct.
If you printf("%p", ptr);
do you get an address that is maybe not 4-byte aligned (or at least 2-byte aligned)? This may be necessary on some platforms.
For test, just pass the value of a real float in the uint8_t*, e.g.
float f= 102.5;
and see if that works.