I have a variable which contains a path and I want to extract the 6th folder from the path, but the 7 folder may or may not occur. In both cases... the regex should return "three", but the first example fails to match. I tried using ? to indicate optional, but my attempt was incorrect.
What do I need to change in the regex to make it match in both cases:
path = "//network/path/folder/_one/two/three" # fails
path = "//network/path/folder/_one/two/three/four" # works
p = re.compile('^//network/path/folder/_.*?/.*?/(.*?)/') # compile the regex
m = re.search(p, path) # regex search
if m: # regex matched
print "6th folder =",m.group(1)
Perhaps you could target lesser characters instead of .*
means any number of occurences of any character but NOT A FORWARD SLASH.
is not flag.