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UPS API including correct WSDL file and endpoint

I am new to using WSDL's. I have used REST before but not this. I am trying to run the sample code file that is included on the UPS developer site. Page 23 of this guide is the API I am using. The file you can download includes like ten guides which I have perused, but I just initally want to figure out how to fill out the top configuration part below (I am using php example code file SoapRateClient.php). What do I put for WSDL? What do I put for end point url? The file you download on their site has several wsdl files and I'm not sure which one I am supposed to choose. Guidance appreciated.


  $access = "secret";//I have this no problem
  $userid = "";//I have this as well
  $passwd = "";//I have this
  $wsdl = " Add Wsdl File Here ";//What the heck do I put here!?
  $operation = "ProcessRate";
  $endpointurl = ' Add URL Here';//Also what do I put here?
  $outputFileName = "XOLTResult.xml";


  • I wish you the best of luck. When I started down this path I ended up grabbing code from several commerce products written in PHP to see how they did it as I could not get the UPS examples to work. Turns out most of them are just doing a POST and manually assembling the XML instead of using SOAP, since it's so painful.

    But, regardless, what it wants in $wsdl is the wsdl file location.

    End point url is the UPS url for the service you wish to use, for example, for TimeInTransit:

    For prod:

    For test:

    EDIT: It appears that the urls above are incorrect. Reference:

    Once your testing is completed please direct your Shipping Package XML to the Production URL:

    They should read:

    For test:

    For prod: