I'm trying to use Google Swiffy to convert some simple Flash to HTML5. I need the resultant output to have a transparent background. I've read on other sites and here on SO that removing the ("backgroundColor":-65536,) text from the HTML should work. However, for me this just turns the background black.
Perhaps the Swiffy converter has changed and this solution no longer works. Does anyone have any other alternatives.
(I'm using Safari and Mobile Safari for testing)
For the very simplest usage of Swiffy service or the *.swf.html that they output (assuming you're using jQuery somewhere in your web app):
setTimeout(function() {
$('#swiffycontainer *:first-child').css("background", "transparent");
}, 100);
The delay is to wait until Google writes their style to the container div. This is an awful solution because it will cause flickers if you don't manage the presentation of the div; however, I imagine most developers are managing the swiffyobjects and creating their own API for controlling it.