I have a serial output of a verilog module I'd like to testbench using system-verilog.
The output, called 'SO' will output something like 8'hC6 given the correct serial input 'SI' with a value of say 8'h9A.
Is there an easy way to encode / decode serial IOs without having to explicitly describe each signal?
For example:
assert property @(posedge clk) $rose(EN) |-> ##[1:3] SI ##1 !SI[*2] ##1 SI[*2] ##1 !SI ##1 SI ##1 !SI
##[1:3] SO[*2] ##1 !SO[*3] ##1 SO[*2] ##1 !SO;
It looks like a jumbled mess and is barely readable. I'd very much like to just write
8'h9A ##[1:3] 8'hC6
but obviously this doesn't work. Any advice or examples would be more than welcome. Thanks in advance.
Try a sequence and refer to IEEE Std 1800-2012 section 16.10 (Local variables):
sequence seq_serial(logic signal, local logic [7:0] expected);
byte idx = 7;
(signal == expected[idx], idx--)[*8];
endsequence : seq_serial
asrt_si0x9A_so0xC6 : assert property ( @(posedge clk)
$rose(EN) |-> ##[1:3] seq_serial(SI, 8'h9A) ##[1:3] seq_serial(SO, 8'hC6) );
This is equivalent to the the assertion provided and is more readable.
Do note the local
keyword which will treat expected
as a variable rather then a reference and allows you to pass constant (e.g. 8'h9A
, 8'hC6
) and still allows you pas net references. See IEEE Std 1800-2012 section 16.8.2 (Local variable formal arguments in sequence declarations) for more.
Here is a simple test bench to prove the assertion. I'm driving SO
because I don't have a real DUT and I want to demonstrate both a pass & fail scenario.
bit EN, clk;
logic SI,SO;
logic [7:0] si_var, so_var;
initial forever #10ns clk++; // clock generator
default clocking cb @(posedge clk); output #1ns EN,SI,SO; endclocking : cb
initial begin : test_vector
si_var = 8'h9A;
so_var = 8'hC6;
##1 cb.EN <= 1;
##($urandom_range(2,0)); // rand delay
foreach(si_var[i]) ##1 cb.SI <= si_var[i];
##($urandom_range(2,0)); // rand delay
foreach(so_var[i]) ##1 cb.SO <= so_var[i];
##1 cb.EN <= 0;
/* Now make the assertion fail */
so_var = 8'hC7; // make fail
##3 cb.EN <= 1;
##($urandom_range(2,0)); // rand delay
foreach(si_var[i]) ##1 cb.SI <= si_var[i];
##($urandom_range(2,0)); // rand delay
foreach(so_var[i]) ##1 cb.SO <= so_var[i];
##1 cb.EN <= 0;
#10ns; // little delay before finish
end : test_vector