I hope that this is possible
Can I pass parameters to functions in CORE/MY_Controller?
I am developing a application that has three controllers and most of the functions are the same so I want to code functions ones and use them again in their respectable controllers when need.
function like search_User_Name() will be in both of the controllers, it will be cool if i can get to code it once and reuse it. the problems that i am facing at the moment are
I have a controller in the core folder as MY_Controller
class MY_Controller extends CI_Controller{
public function __construct() {
public function Testing($var){
$function_var= $var;
return $function_var;
and i have a controller in the controller folder as Sub_Controlller
class Sub_Controller extends MY_Controller{
public function __construct() {
public function Show(){
on the view i have
echo anchor('Sub_Controller/Show/Parameter','Pass a parameter');
according to my understanding i was spouse to get the word "parameter" on the screen. can any help?
It will work fine, but you still need to pass in the arguments:
class Sub_Controller extends MY_Controller {
public function Show($arg = null) {
Alternatively you can read the URI segment from the base function, but then you have less control:
class MY_Controller extends CI_Controller {
public function Testing() {
$function_var = $this->uri->segment(2);
return $function_var;
class Sub_Controller extends MY_Controller {
public function Show() {
echo($this->Testing()); // prints the argument in the URL
Better to do it the first way.