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Creat a main method to a quickSort class

This is my code so far. I need help to implement a main method that reads and sorts the supplied test files(unsorted1.txt and unsorted2.txt)

public class quickSort extends DLList  {    
 public static <E extends Comparable <? super E>> void quickSort(DLList<E> element){
    sort(element, 0, element.size() - 1); 

 public static <E extends Comparable <? super E>> void sort(DLList<E> element, int l, int r) {
    int i = l;
    int j = r;
    E pivot = element.get((l + r) / 2), w;
    do {
        while (element.get(i).compareTo(pivot)< 0){ 
        while (element.get(j).compareTo(pivot)> 0){ 
        while (i <= j) {
            w = element.get(i);
            element.set(i, element.get(j));
            element.set(j, w);
    } while (i <= j);

    if (l < j) {
        sort(element, l, j);

    if (i < r) {
        sort(element, i, r);

    public static void main(String[] args){


My quicksort implementation is complete and it is based on a doubly linked list. The text files contain a number of unsorted characters. So I have to load all characters and store them in the list. And that's what I need help with.


  • Can you please elaborate a little more on files part?

    What is the data format in the file? Should the output format after sorting be the same as input format?

    As much as i understand your quicksort implementation is ready, all that you need is to parse the text file and sort and write it back to the file.