In order to determine the number of classes in a .owl
I was advised to use the following SPARQL query:
SELECT ( count(?class) as ?count )
WHERE { graph <put_your_model_graph_name_here> { ?class a owl:Class . } }
However, when I replace the put_your_model_graph_name_here
with my ontology IRI, I get 0
I also tried http://blahblahblah
followed immediately by #
to no avail.
What am I doing wrong?
Difficult to tell without seeing how you are loading and querying the data. Try using:
SELECT ( count(?class) as ?count ) { ?class a owl:Class }
which will query the default graph, or
SELECT ?g ( count(?class) as ?count )
{ graph ?g { ?class a owl:Class } }
group by ?g
which will give counts for all the named graphs.