I'm using CAPICOM to load a certificate needed by a WebService client.
I need to have the certificate installed in Windows, and then open it from the certificate file itself, which I think is "kinda stupid".
Is there any way to either (in order of preference):
Save the PFX File contents to a memo field in the database, and load it from there, without installing it on Windows?
Load the PFX File from the file itself, without installing it on Windows
I'm using Delphi XE3, LibEay32 and Capicom 2.0
If you want to install the certificate in Windows you will ALWAYS get a popup asking the user for permission, unless the certificate comes from a root that is already trusted. If you don't want that the only option is to use the PFX contents from a memo field each time you need the certificate.
I have no experience with Capicom, but from what I read it is a Microsoft DLL that you use?
If you are having problems with Capicom and LibEay32 you might want to check out the Eldos Secure BlackBox components. I have very good experiences with those and their support is great.