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Using Angular.js $ with Codeigniter WITH CSRF enabled

I'm trying to post via Angular.js to a CodeIgniter controller in an application that has CSRF enabled (on the same domain). With jquery, I would just add the token like so:

data: {
    csrf_token: $("input:hidden[name='csrf_token']").val()

I've added the post values and headers in Angular.js, but no joy. Anybody know how to accomplish this?

var postData = { name:"csrf_token", value: $("input:hidden[name='csrf_token]").val() };
$'myCIcontroller',postData,{headers: {'csrf_token': $("input:hidden[name='csrf_token']").val()}}).success(function(data){


  • Here is a solution:

    var postData = $.param({csrf_token: $("input:hidden[name='csrf_token']").val()});
    $'myCIcontroller', postData, {headers : {'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'}}).success(function(data){

    More info here: How can I post data as form data instead of a request payload?