I have a spring project. When i run i get the following error
SEVERE: Unable to process Jar entry [javax/validation/bootstrap/GenericBootstrap.class]
from Jar [jar:file:/D:/Personal%20Work/eclipse%2032%20Bit/workspace/Java%20EE/Spring
for annotations
java.util.zip.ZipException: invalid LOC header (bad signature)
at java.util.zip.ZipFile.read(Native Method)
Here is my snippet of POM
<!-- Hibernate’s implementation of JSR-303. -->
<!-- The JSR-303 Bean Validation API library. -->
Why i am getting this error ? I checked, i have this jar at location C:\Users\basit.ahmed\.m2\repository\javax\validation\validation-api\1.0.0.GA
How can i solve this ?
It's probably a result of a bad download. Delete the jar from your local repo and try again.