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get values from fgets using strtok

I receive some data every 10 seconds from an external machine (always 4 lines) like:

Yesterday match:
Yesterday match:

I have the following code which reads the data (I have also open and configure serial ports functions):

int learn_data(int fd)
  int n,i;
  char buff[200];
  memset(buff, 0, sizeof(buff));
  char* ptr;
  FILE *fp=fdopen(fd,"r");
 while(fgets(buff, sizeof(buff), fp) != NULL)
    printf("%s", buff);

With this code fgets reads line by line the buffer. Now my question is, how can I get The values of points and rebounds (31,12), (12,2) etc with the usage of strtok? How can I escape the first and third line?


  • If you have a well-formatted input, you're okay with sscanf(). Try the following:

    int P, Reb;
    sscanf(buff, "%*7s%*d%*4s%d%*5s%d", &P, &Reb);

    To deal only with Player*, you can do memcmp() first. Like,

    if(memcmp(buff, "Player_", 7) == 0) ...