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ICollection<T> not Covariant?

The purpose of this is to synchronize two collections, sender-side & receiver-side, containing a graph edge, so that when something happens (remove edge, add edge, etc) both sides are notified.

To do so, (back-)references to the collections were included in the element in collections

class EdgeBase {
    EdgeBase(ICollection<EdgeBase> rCol, ICollection<EdgeBase> sCol)     
    { RecvCol=rCol;  SendCol=sCol; }      
    ICollection<EdgeBase> RecvCol;      
    ICollection<EdgeBase> SendCol;       
    public virtual void Disconnect() // Synchronized deletion         
    { RecvCol.Remove(this);  SendCol.Remove(this); }                 
class Edge : EdgeBase {       
    Edge(ICollection<EdgeBase> rCol, ICollection<EdgeBase> sCol)     
    : base(rCol, sCol) {}
    int Weight;     

Deletion (Disconnect) was ok , but the problem occurred during creation:

HashSet<Edge> receiverSet, senderSet;
var edge = new Edge(receiverSet, senderSet); // Can't convert Edge to EdgeBase!

Although Edge is derived from EdgeBase, this is illegal. (The problem is Edge part, not HashSet<> part.)

After writing hundreds of lines I found out ICollection<> is not covariant as is IEnumerable<>.

What could be a workaround?


If I wrote the code above while not breaking the C#'s covariance rules it would have been like this:

public class EdgeBase<T, U>
    where T : ICollection<U<T>> // illegal
    where U : EdgeBase<T, U>    // legal, but introduces self-reference
    public EdgeBase(T recvCol, T sendCol) {...}
    protected T ReceiverCollection;
    protected T SenderCollection;
    public virtual void Disconnect() {...}

But this is illegal; 'U' can't be used with formal parameter T.


  • Eric Lippert said that C# will only support type-safe covariance and contravariance. If you would think of it, making ICollection covariant is not type-safe.

    Let's say you have

    ICollection<Dog> dogList = new List<Dog>();
    ICollection<Mammal> mammalList = dogList; //illegal but for the sake of showing, do it
    mammalList.Add(new Cat());

    Your mammalList (which is actually a dogList) would now then contain a Cat.

    IEnumerable<T> is covariant because you cannot Add to it... you can only read from it -- which, in turn, preserves type-safety.