Currently, I'm using presentPopoverFromRect:inView:permittedArrowDirections:animated:
to present my popover. But I'm looking for more fanciful animations (eg. the popover expanding from a particular point) to present the popover.
I've tried searching with keywords ios present popover animation
but can't find any useful results. Not sure if I'm using the wrong keywords or it is impossible to present popovers with animations.
When using a UIPopover
, there is currently no easy way to present it with a different animation than the one that iOS provides. It would definitely be possible to do a custom animation to present a view, but it would be a very significant amount of extra work as you would have to do everything yourself. Two things you could look at if you really, really need to:
animation. Links: Ray Wenderlich tutorial, Apple documentation (search the page for "animation").