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Can Perl Moose create multiple accessors?

So, Perl's standard naming convention is snake_case, but I'm writing a module to interface with a REST API that uses camelCase, creating objects with the Moose infrastructure. I'd rather make the objects work with either case, but I can't seem to get multiple Moose-y accessors. The following is the only way I could come up with.

has 'full_name' => (
    is  => 'rw',
    isa => 'Str',

sub fullName {return shift->full_name(@_)};

Any better way to do this with Moose's built-ins?


  • Bah, easy answer. I completely overlooked MooseX::Aliases that allows you to do this easily:

    has 'full_name' => (
        is  => 'rw',
        isa => 'Str',
        alias => 'fullName', # or alias => [qw(fullName)] for even more

    Not built-in Moose like I was thinking there would be, but definitely sufficient.