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Install Mono and Monodevelop on CentOS 5.x/6.x

I am trying to install Mono and Monodevelop on a CentOS 5.9 environment.

I have tried the following instructions, with no luck.

Can anyone suggest an alternative to the the above link.


  • On these systems, I typically install Mono from source. It is a bit more work but you do not have to rely on dated or broken packages that may or may not be maintained. Also, it makes it easy to upgrade to the latest versions of Mono.

    The instructions below were tested on CentOS 6.4.

    Head over to /usr/src as root

    cd /usr/src

    Ensure GCC and friends are installed (to build the Mono source code)

    yum install gcc gcc-c++ libtool bison autoconf automake

    Grab and unpack the Mono source code

    tar -xvjf mono-3.0.7.tar.bz2

    Build and install Mono

    cd mono-3.0.7
    ./configure --prefix=/usr
    make && make install

    Verify that you have a working Mono installation with mono --version and mcs --version

    Build the GDI+ compatibility layer (required for System.Drawing)

    yum install glib2-devel libX11-devel pixman-devel fontconfig-devel freetype-devel libexif-devel libjpeg-devel libtiff-devel libpng-devel giflib-devel
    cd /usr/src
    tar -xvjf libgdiplus-2.10.9.tar.bz2
    cd libgdiplus-2.10.9
    ./configure --prefix=/usr
    make && make install

    That is it for Mono but building MonoDevelop is another story...

    Build Gtk-Sharp

    yum install gtk2-devel libglade2-devel
    cd /usr/src
    tar -xvjf gtk-sharp-2.12.8.tar.bz2
    cd gtk-sharp-2.12.8
    ./configure --prefix=/usr
    make && make install

    Unfortunately, I do not think there is a proper source tarball of gnome-sharp that is new enough for what we need. So, we will get it from the Git repository.

    yum install pango-devel atk-devel libgnome-devel libgnomecanvas-devel libgnomeui-devel git svn libtool
    cd /usr/src
    git clone git://
    cd gnome-sharp
    ./bootstrap-2.24 --prefix=/usr
    make && make install

    Same for Mono Addins...

    cd /usr/src
    git clone git://
    cd mono-addins
    ./ --prefix=/usr
    make && make install

    Finally, we can build MonoDevelop itself.

    cd /usr/src
    tar -xvjf monodevelop-3.1.1.tar.bz2
    cd monodevelop-3.1.1
    export PKG_CONFIG_PATH
    ./configure --prefix=/usr --select
    make && make install

    You should now see MonoDevelop in the Programming menu under Applications!

    Now that we are doing all this fun Git stuff, it is easy enough to upgrade to the latest (pre-release) version of Mono any time we want...

    First time checking out of Git:

    cd /usr/src
    git clone git://
    cd mono
    ./ --prefix=/usr
    make && make install

    To just upgrade to the latest version (after the first time building from Git)

    cd /usr/src/mono
    git pull
    ./ --prefix=/usr
    make && make install

    If you do not want the bleeding edge, you can use Git to check-out more stable branches of Mono instead. I will leave that as an exercise for Wikipedia.