How can I change the location element (Line) in C# code?
<Grid x:Name="SetShipsGrid">
<Path Name="Line" Stroke="red" StrokeThickness="1" >
<Path.Data >
<LineGeometry StartPoint="50,50" EndPoint="350,50"></LineGeometry>
You can just bind the Start and End points to public properties
<Grid x:Name="SetShipsGrid">
<Path Name="Line" Stroke="red" StrokeThickness="1" >
<Path.Data >
<LineGeometry StartPoint="{Binding StartPoint}" EndPoint="{Binding EndPoint}" />
private Point _startPoint = new Point(5, 5);
private Point _endPoint = new Point(100, 100);
public Point StartPoint
get { return _startPoint; }
set { _startPoint = value; NotifyPropertyChanged(); }
public Point EndPoint
get { return _endPoint; }
set { _endPoint = value; NotifyPropertyChanged(); }