I am trying find a specific user in AD using samaccountname if i type in an incorrect account i want the question to repeat until it finds the user, tells me the username and pauses until a key is pressed. Here is what i have so far and its not working. I am still a noob at this.
$User=Read-Host "Enter SamAcountname"}
if (dsquery user -samid $User)
trap {$_ | write-host "Found user $_"
trap {$_ | write-host "User not found!"
until ( $_-eq "found user")
Write-Host "Press any key to continue ..."
$x = $host.UI.RawUI.ReadKey("NoEcho,IncludeKeyDown")
This should do it:
$prompt = "enter samaccountname"
$User = Read-Host $prompt
} while (!$(dsquery user -samid $User;$prompt="User '$user' was not found, try again"))