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RewriteCond checking file existence on parent directory

I'm trying to redirect all requests to a script if the requested file or directory doesn't exist, but I need to improve this .htaccess in order to check if the file exists on the parent folder.
I currently have:

RewriteEngine on

# check if requested file or directory exists
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d

# map requests to contentpage.php and appends it as a query string
RewriteRule ^(.*)/(.*)$ contentpage.php?url=$2&lang=$1

now, this .htaccess successfully redirects
en/products.php -> contentpage.php?url=products.php&lang=en only if products.php doesn't exists on the child directory /en/ (and actually the directory /en/ doesn't physically exists, so the RewriteCond fails to filter when I have a file products.php on the parent directory).

I need to check if the file exists on the top directory where my files are. It needs to redirect only the language directories, like /en /es /de /pt .etc

Anyone has an idea how to solve this? thanks


  • You can put your rules in a htaccess file in your top directory; this way, if you have


    even if you access the parent path or the child paths:

    • /parentdir/products.php
    • /parentdir/en/products.php

    the /parentdir/.htaccess rules are evaluated
    So you can use a ruleset like this:

    # check if requested file does not exists in the child dir
    # check if requested file does not exists in the child dir
    # if does not exists... check if it also does not exists in the parent dir
    RewriteCond /parentdir/$1/$2 !-f
    RewriteCond /parentdir/$2 !-f
    RewriteRule ^/parentdir/(es|en|fr|de)/(.*)$ contentpage.php?url=$2&lang=$1
    # check if requested file does not exists in the parent dir
    RewriteCond /parentdir/$1 !-f
    RewriteRule ^/parentdir/(.*)$ contentpage.php?url=$2&lang=$1