I'm using the HotTowel SPA template which makes use of Durandal. In my Durandal ViewModels I am using Breeze to get some data from the database.
I have a datacontext class that I put all my breeze queries in and the queries all follow the pattern like the following:
getAthletes: function (queryCompleted) {
var query = breeze.EntityQuery.from("Athletes");
return manager
Since I'm doing an asynchronous call in the activate method of the view model, I have to return the promise that comes back from these calls in the activate method.
Using a single query works great like this:
function activate() {
However, if I need to perform two queries I run into problems, but only in the release version of my application. I have tried doing this with the following syntax:
function activate() {
This will work fine in debug mode, but when I deploy it out to the server and my scripts get bundled, I get an exception which isn't very clear.
t is not a function
I've also tried chaining them together in my datacontext class like below, but I still get the same error.
getAthleteAndEfforts: function (athleteId, athleteQueryCompleted, effortsQueryCompleted) {
var athleteQuery = breeze.EntityQuery.from("Athletes").where("id", "==", athleteId);
var effortsQuery = breeze.EntityQuery.from("BestEfforts").where("athleteId", "==", athleteId);
return manager.executeQuery(athleteQuery).then(athleteQueryCompleted)
So I'm assuming I just don't understand the Q.defer() enough to use it properly or there is something else going on.
What is the correct syntax to accomplish this?
Ok, thanks to RainerAtSpirit for pointing me in the right direction to find this. I looked at John Papa's jumpstarter examples and he has a datacontext that does this under the primeData function.
So using the syntax he used there I was able to get it to work correctly like this:
getAthleteAndEfforts: function (athleteId, athleteQueryCompleted, effortsQueryCompleted) {
return Q.all([
datacontext.getAthlete(athleteId, athleteQueryCompleted),
datacontext.getAthleteEfforts(athleteId, effortsQueryCompleted)]);
I had seen the Q.all in the Q documentation but wasn't sure how to use it, but this example helped. I tested this and it works both in debug and release modes.