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Load multiple .mat files for processing

In MatLab I have (after extensive code running) multiple .mat files outputted to .mat files. The actual matlab name of each .mat file is called results but I've used the save command to write them to different files. A small subset of the files looks like this:



Now I want to compare the results for each test, which means I have to load in all four .mat files and combine them in a graph. Reading in one file and making the eventual graph is no problem. But since all files have the same matlab name results, iteratively loading them is not an option (at least, not one that I know of yet) since in the end only file 4 remains since it rewrites the previous ones.

Is there a way to load all these files and store them in different variables in a structure (regarding only one test set)? Because doing all this manually is a hell of a lot of work.

I've tried to use this method: Load Multiple .mat Files to Matlab workspace but I get an Invalid field name error on loaded.(char(file)) = load(file);


  • You can load into a variable (preferably a cell array)

    results = cell( 2, 4 ); % allocate
    for testi=1:2
        for resi = 1:4
            filename = sprintf('results_test%d_%d.mat', testi, resi );
            results{testi,resi} = load( filename );

    Now you have all the results stored in results cell array and you may access the stored variables, e.g.,

    results{1,3}.someVar % access variable someVar (assuming such variable was saves to the corresponding mat file