I am using PayPal IPN to process payments on my website. I would like the user to be able to enter a discount code and the value (amount or percentage) passed through to PayPal and calculated.
I have been looking around the web but can only seem to find the following:
Use discount_amount_cart to charge a single discount amount for the entire cart.
Use discount_amount_x to set a discount amount associated with item x
Use discount_rate_cart to charge a single discount percentage for the entire cart.
discount_rate_cart - Applies to entire cart however, this variable will only work with the "Upload" Method. Not the standard Add to Cart variables.
After testing these out in my request string:
PayPal doesn't seem to recognise this discount. Does this actually exist any more in PayPal IPN?
thanks for your help!
Yes you can!!!
Here is a full list of Paypal Variables, and the associated documentation.
Ive just used discount_amount_cart myself!