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AWS S3 Url changing dynamically with django statics

When I am serving static files from AWS S3 using the {%static %} template I get this type of url:

Well the signature changes everytime. So when I am using django_storages with offline compression the key for that file is changing everytime because its name is changing so I get the error: You have offline compression enabled but key "4c18774209c3d10bb81ec7f466b17e21" is missing from offline manifest. You may need to run "python compress".

If instead of using the {%static %} template I use a constant URL this error doesn't happens..

Why does the aws s3 has that kind of URL ? Whats the point of the signature and the Expires parameters? I changed my aws s3 configuration to send expires header and cache-control for 1 year, however the expires from the url is just one hour.


  • Try adding this to your settings.

    It should stop the get params being added to the url.