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How to track pdf downloads from properly (Google Analytics)?

On my website, there is a possibility to download pdfs. Until here, everything is fine.

Now, I would like to track the pdf downloads. This can be done by using Google Analytics Events in the link of the pdf:

<a onclick="var that=this;_gaq.push(['_trackEvent','Download','PDF',this.href]);setTimeout(function(){location.href=that.href;},400);return false;" href="pdfs/my-file.pdf">Download my file</a>

The problem is that if somebady will download the pdf from a search engine, not directly from the website, this will not be tracked.

Do you know a proper method on how to track that?

Should I implement something on the server side when I am rendering the pdf, that will trigger a GA event?

Thank you in advance.


  • Here is one solution I just found:

    php-ga Google Analytics for PHP

    With php-ga, there is a possibility to simulate pageviews on the server side. So, now for me, when somebody downloads a pdf, I am also calling this code:

            // Initilize GA Tracker
            $tracker = new GoogleAnalytics\Tracker('UA-5824718-6', '');
            // Assemble Visitor information
            // (could also get unserialized from database)
            $visitor = new GoogleAnalytics\Visitor();
            // Assemble Session information
            // (could also get unserialized from PHP session)
            $session = new GoogleAnalytics\Session();
            // Get filename from the previous request
            $filename = parse_url(urldecode($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']), PHP_URL_PATH);
            // Assemble Page information
            $page = new GoogleAnalytics\Page($filename);
            // Track page view
            $tracker->trackPageview($page, $session, $visitor);
            $this->downloadFile($file, 'application/pdf');

    The only problem I will have to fix is how to filter bots (Robots)...