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Error in batch script for update a script, can anyone find the error?

I am attempting to make a script that is called from another script to update him...

This script is downloaded from a server via wget and it is started by other script. It checks version of RunToolkit and, if it isn't v1.1, it downloads the new version...

But when this script is called, it give an error, "unexpected goto".

Hers is the script:

@echo off
echo Latest version is 1.1

IF EXIST RunToolkit.exe (
      FIND /I "1.1" "RunToolkit.exe" > NUL:
              IF ERRORLEVEL 0 (
              ECHO Your toolkit version is 1.1
              echo No updates available!
              goto quit
              ) ELSE (
              ECHO Your toolkit is outdated, do you want to update it?
              ECHO 1. Yes
              ECHO 2. No
              SET /P menunr=Select number you want :
              IF %menunr%==1 (goto yesupdate)
              IF %menunr%==2 (goto quit)
              goto what

echo Downloading new version!
wget (link deleted for privacy :P)

echo You entered a wrong number! Retry!
goto restart

call RunToolkit.exe

Can anyone find the error, please?


  • First issue, nothing to do with your error is


    Which should alwaays be true. if errorlevel n means if errorlevel is n OR GREATER THAN n. There ARE ways of setting errorlevel negative - but normal operation would always set a positive errorlevel, hence if errorlevel 0 should always be true.

    Your next problem is that CMD always substitutes the current value for any %var% in any logical line, then validates the line. The logical line here starts at IF EXIST and runs through to the single closing-parenthesis in the first column - 18 physical lines later.

    At that time, IF %menunr%==1 (goto yesupdate) will be evaluated as IF ==1 (goto yesupdate) because menunr is undefined WHEN THE LINE WAS PARSED. This is the source of your UNEXPECTED GOTO

    Since you are entering memunr you need to learn about delayedexpansion - here's a demo:

    @echo off
    set var=ORIGINAL
    echo Start value of var=%var%
    for %%i in (1) do (SET var=AFTER
    ECHO var is %var% in the for loop
    echo Final value of var=%var%
    echo ---- try again with ENABLEDELAYEDEXPANSION
    setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
    set var=ORIGINAL
    echo Start value of var=%var%
    for %%i in (1) do (SET var=AFTER
    ECHO var is %var% not !var! in the for loop
    ECHO Note: in the loop VAR has old value %var% and new value !var!
    echo Final value of var=%var%

    Note the difference between %var% (the PARSE-TIME value) and !var! (the RUN-TIME value)


    If you press simply ENTER as a response to SET /P menunr=Select number you want : then menunr will remain UNCHANGED. Since it had no value, it will still have no value, and hence if you turn on delayedexpansion by mans of a setlocal enabledelayedexpansion statement, the logical change

    IF %menunr%==1 (goto yesupdate)

    IF !menunr!==1 (goto yesupdate)

    will also suffer the same error.

    You need to use

    IF "!menunr!"=="1" (goto yesupdate)

    to cater for the empty-variable scenario.

    (also: the parentheses around the GOTO here are superfluous, but harmless)