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How to use iOS with Robot Framework in Plone

I'm writing Robot Framework tests for a Plone project.

Here is the code.

I want tests to be executed on Sauce Labs, but with two different OS's:

  • iOS
  • Android

I'm starting by replacing the current default tests (Firefox / WinXP) with iOS, using the following parameters in my .travis.yml's matrix:

  - TARGET=test ROBOT_DESIRED_CAPABILITIES="platform:OS X 10.8,browserName:iPad,version:6,tunnel-identifier:$TRAVIS_JOB_ID"

Tests are now failing with the following issues:

 Could not proxy http://localhost:3001/wd/hub/session, exception: Connection refused

I have no idea why. I have read all the stuff in example.product and I didn't find any differences.

Here are my builds at Travis CI, which show the errors.

And you can find my Sauce Labs results here.

Sauce Labs test results


  • Currently, you have to run your test ZServer (by settings ZSERVER_PORT environment variable) at some port supported by Sauce Labs:

    Update: There was an another issue. p.a.robotframework defines Selenium version for Sauce Labs, currently 2.31.0 (UPDATE: next release will not set the default value). I asked this from Sauce Labs and it seems that selenium version should not be set for mobile tests at all.

    Technically ROBOT_SELENIUM_VERSION="" should be enough for p.a.robotframework to use the default Selenium version of Sauce Labs, but when I tested that in .travis.yml, Travis didn't set that environment variable at all and it didn't override p.a.robotframework's default. Anyway, the next p.a.robotframework-release (>= 0.6.2) will set no selenium-version for Sauce Labs by default.
