I'm writing Robot Framework tests for a Plone project.
Here is the code.
I want tests to be executed on Sauce Labs, but with two different OS's:
I'm starting by replacing the current default tests (Firefox / WinXP) with iOS, using the following parameters in my .travis.yml's matrix:
- TARGET=test ROBOT_DESIRED_CAPABILITIES="platform:OS X 10.8,browserName:iPad,version:6,tunnel-identifier:$TRAVIS_JOB_ID"
Tests are now failing with the following issues:
Could not proxy http://localhost:3001/wd/hub/session, exception: java.net.ConnectException: Connection refused
I have no idea why. I have read all the stuff in example.product and I didn't find any differences.
Here are my builds at Travis CI, which show the errors.
And you can find my Sauce Labs results here.
Currently, you have to run your test ZServer (by settings ZSERVER_PORT environment variable) at some port supported by Sauce Labs: https://saucelabs.com/docs/connect#localhost
I have a working example at: https://github.com/datakurre/example.product
I filed a request for SauceLabs to add support for port 55001 used by Plone, and the port will be included in the next SauceConnect-release.
Update: There was an another issue. p.a.robotframework defines Selenium version for Sauce Labs, currently 2.31.0 (UPDATE: next release will not set the default value). I asked this from Sauce Labs and it seems that selenium version should not be set for mobile tests at all.
I have now a working p.a.robotframework example at: https://github.com/datakurre/example.product/tree/p.a.robotframework
To reset Sauce Labs Selenium version set by p.a.robotframework, you could set an environment variable ROBOT_SELENIUM_VERSION=" "
for mobile Travis builds as in https://github.com/datakurre/example.product/commit/4deafc843b89a66da8cf6a85955a2b936ada79b4
should be enough for p.a.robotframework to use the default Selenium version of Sauce Labs, but when I tested that in .travis.yml
, Travis didn't set that environment variable at all and it didn't override p.a.robotframework's default. Anyway, the next p.a.robotframework-release (>= 0.6.2) will set no selenium-version for Sauce Labs by default.
Sauce Labs documentation related to Selenium version: https://saucelabs.com/docs/additional-config#selenium-version
p.a.robotframework code for defining SELENIUM_VERSION
-variable for Robot Framework and forcing selenium-version
Selenium desired capabilities string for Sauce Labs: https://github.com/plone/plone.app.robotframework/blob/master/src/plone/app/robotframework/saucelabs.robot#L25
Finally robotsuite
, which is used used to wrap Robot Framework tests for zope.testrunner
, passes all ROBOT_
-prefixed environment variables for Robot Framework test runner without the prefix, effectively overriding the default set in p.a.robotframework.