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Custom methods in laravel 4 controllers

I may be misunderstanding how Laravel works or maybe I missed something in the troves of documents I've poured over, and for that I apologize in advance.

Lets say I create a new controller using artisan

php artisan controller:make FooController --path /var/www/app/controllers/admin

and I set my routes:

 Route::group(array('prefix' => 'admin', 'before' => 'auth.admin'), function()
    Route::any('/',           'App\Controllers\Admin\IndexController@index');
    Route::resource('foo',    'App\Controllers\Admin\FooController');

Then in my controller I'll have methods for index(),create(),update(), etc. right?

What if i want a method called activate() in my FooController? It could look like this:

public function activate($id){
    return "activated";

Now I put a link in my index.blade.php file

 <a href="{{ URL::route('', $foo->id) }}">Activate</a>

Why does this not work? I get:

Unable to generate a URL for the named route "" as such route does not exist.

Maybe I'm not good enough with routes but this is really frustrating.

thank you in advance!


  • Here is how i solved it:

    I needed to user Route::get

    Route::get('admin/foo/activate/{id}',    'App\Controllers\Admin\foo@activate');

    then my link needed to user the namespace:
