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Matlab - customize surface color depending on a parameter

I have a problem in customizing colors of a surface plot (trisurf or trimesh).

I would like every face to have a color depending on the relative strain value (calculated for every triangle of the mesh). I was thinking about something like:

p = patch('Faces',faces,'Vertices',verts,'FaceColor',strain);

But FaceColor seems not to work with arrays.

strain is an array of Nx1 where N is the number of faces.


  • First you need to change FaceColor to 'flat' to enable colours to be read from a color-data array - the CData property:

    Try this (not tested though):

    p = patch( ...
       'Faces',     faces, ...
       'Vertices',  verts, ...
       'FaceColor', 'flat', ...
       'CData',     strain' ...

    Here I set the CData property to the transpose of your strain vector. MATLAB should then automatically map the N strain-values in this vector to the chosen colormap (linearly). See property CDataMapping for more information:
