I have plupload working with drop_element: and browse_button:
However I want to also have the option to get the file from a URL like this: http://example.com/image.jpg
The idea would be to add it to the upload queue and take advantage of the built in properties and methods of plupload.
Davit on the plupload forum directed me to an example with mOxie.Image.load but I can't figure out how to integrate that with plupload. Does anyone here have an example of how to do that?
Here is the link to the thread I started on the plupload forum if that helps..
I think it would be better to pass the URL to the server so it can download and process it there.
Sanitization and validation has to happen on the server.. but that should happen with plupload anyway. The server can download big files anyway but be sure to validate its an image and not some malicious binaries disguised as images.
There is no need (not sure if you can) download the image to the client and then tell plupload to send that.