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Including Apache for Vagrant Will Not 'UP'

So basically everything runs fine until I add:

depends "apache2", "~> 1.6.0" to my metadata.rb


include_recipe "apache2" to recipes/default.rb


this happens:

/Users/me/.vagrant.d/gems/gems/faraday-0.8.7/lib/faraday.rb:64:in `lookup_middleware': :json is not registered on Faraday::Response (RuntimeError)
from /Users/me/.vagrant.d/gems/gems/faraday-0.8.7/lib/faraday/builder.rb:146:in `use_symbol'

Has anyone run into this or even better resolved it?

I am trying to follow along with this tutorial:


  • This was a bug in a supporting library (Ridley) that Berkshelf 1.4.4 was tied to. It has since been resolved in Berkshelf 1.4.5.

    You should uninstall and re-install vagrant-berkshelf to receive the updates. This can be accomplished by running:

    $ vagrant plugin uninstall vagrant-berkshelf $ vagrant plugin install vagrant-berkshelf

    Of course, this will also be resolved once vagrant-berkshelf is updated for Berkshelf 2.0.

    If you run into a bug like this feel free to post it on the issue tracker on the Berkshelf or Vagrant-Berkshelf projects. It'll get the attention it deserves and a quick answer ;)