I am trying to get the hierarchy data in rows into columns. I am getting the following error "The type of column "lvlCode" conflicts with the type of other columns specified in the UNPIVOT list."
My query is as follows
;with hd (orgid, lvlCode,description, parentorgid, category)
select orgid, lvlCode,description, parentorgid, 1 as category
from orgunit
where parentorgid is null
union all
select t1.orgid, t1.lvlCode,t1.description, t1.parentorgid, hd.category +1
from orgunit t1
inner join hd
on t1.parentorgid = hd.orgid
unpiv as
select value, 'cat_'+cast(category as varchar(5))+'_'+ col col_name
select cast(orgid as varchar(17)) orgid, lvlCode,description, parentorgid, category
from hd
) src
value for col in (orgid, lvlCode,description)
) un
select [cat_1_orgid], [cat_1_lvlCode],[cat_1_description],
[cat_2_orgid], [cat_2_lvlCode],[cat_2_description],
[cat_3_orgid], [cat_3_lvlCode],[cat_3_description],
[cat_4_orgid], [cat_4_lvlCode],[cat_4_description],
[cat_5_orgid], [cat_5_lvlCode],[cat_5_description],
[cat_6_orgid], [cat_6_lvlCode],[cat_6_description],
[cat_7_orgid], [cat_7_lvlCode],[cat_7_description]
from unpiv
for col_name in ([cat_1_orgid], [cat_1_lvlCode],[cat_1_description],
[cat_2_orgid], [cat_2_lvlCode],[cat_2_description],
[cat_3_orgid], [cat_3_lvlCode],[cat_3_description],
[cat_4_orgid], [cat_4_lvlCode],[cat_4_description],
[cat_5_orgid], [cat_5_lvlCode],[cat_5_description],
[cat_6_orgid], [cat_6_lvlCode],[cat_6_description],
[cat_7_orgid], [cat_7_lvlCode],[cat_7_description])
) piv
try to convert lvlCode into varchar data type
select CAST(orgid as varchar(17)) orgid,
CAST(lvlCode as varchar(17)) lvlCode,
description, parentorgid, category
from hd