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How to create to HoloEverywhere SliderMenu with more than one activity in it?

i am using holoeverywhere + ABS + ViewPager. I have an activity(mainactivity) with 3 actionbar tabs(fragments) in it and i need to implement slider addon from holoeverywhere to my project which switches between mainactivity(which has tabs in it) and a second activity. I tried to reverse engineer from demo app but i noticed that they use one activity with fragments in it(all slider items are fragments and not activities). I don't know how i can setup slidermenu with two activities.

Here is my activitiy's onCreate():

tabs = getResources().getStringArray(R.array.tabs);
pager = ((CustomViewPager) findViewById(;
adapterViewPager = new AdapterViewPager(getSupportFragmentManager(),

PS: can i use slidingmenu project with holoeverywhere? is yours better regarding compatibility with holoeverywhere?


  • SliderMenu addon support only fragments.
    But SliderMenu - only pre-built control view over Slider addon.
    You can make /anything/ with /any/ view in /any/ hierarchy.
    Just create your custom layout and place it in left (right) panel and provide control logic for it.